Types Of Glues To Make Crafts

If you had doubts at this point, today I tell you the types of glues you can find to make crafts. We will see some basics that can never be missing among our craft materials and then, we will see more specific ones that can be found in the market. Before starting, I tell you that all the opinions that you can read here are your own. Many of them based on my experience. You will be able to see some brands that I have used and that I have liked, but if you look for more in your well-known craft shops you will find another wide range of brands. They have not given me the products nor have they paid me for their opinions. Consequently, I hope that all the advice or ideas that I can give you will be useful.

The world of glues is super broad. We will find a variety with different uses and advantages that we can take advantage of when making crafts. And as you already know, the glues cannot be missing from our materials! They are a basic to do hundreds of crafts and the purpose of this list is that they can know exactly which of them to use and buy to do their craft work. You should ALWAYS forget to read the instructions and use of each of them before using them.

To begin, I will mention 7 basic ones that should not be missing from our desk. They are: 1- Liquid silicone, 2- Silicone or hot glue, 3- Glue in bar, 4- Glue or common white glue, 5- Universal glue, 6- Spray glue, 7- Instant glue. We see more in detail each one of them.

1- Liquid Silicone
They also call it cold silicone. We can do hundreds of things with it. It has the advantage that it is easier to use than hot glue or silicone. It is ideal for children to use, always with our supervision. It must always be well covered so that it does not dry out. If you ask me: it must ALWAYS be among our materials. We can use it with paper, cloth, cardboard, foamy, fine wood, felt, cork. Keep in mind that it does not support too much weight. And it's easy to clean. Brands, there are hundreds!

2- Silicone Or Hot Glue
Another way it is known is hot melt glue. For this we need the silicone gun. It is easy to use but we can burn ourselves. It is not recommended for the little ones. It is a very effective glue to work and serves for materials such as felt, wood, wool, cloth, foamy, plastics, among others. It resists the passage of time very well. You will find many brands, but it is very important to have a good gun to avoid losing glue constantly. Read in your instructions how to use it.

3- Glue In Bar
A classic that everyone knows and that, surely, you have stolen your school materials from your little ones on occasion! It is special for children and is another one of those glues that we always have to have on hand. We can get normal ones and ones that come from neutral or acid-free ph that are special for scrapbooking and photographs. The common bar glue can be used, but photographs can sometimes be damaged. It is ideal for paper, cardboard, origami and some types of ribbons. It is easy to use, dries quickly, is non-toxic and its use on paper does not cause it to curl as it does not cause humidity. But it does not support much weight. The brand of choice!

4- Common Glue Or White Glue
This glue is a classic for school use. Very resistant for paper, cloth and cardboard, among other materials. And special for the kids since it is non-toxic. It is good to use in decoupage crafts, paper mache, foamy, etc. It is very easy to clean and handle and soluble in water. But as a disadvantage, it must be borne in mind that it does not hold much weight and that it can curl the paper since it generates humidity. Not to forget it in its boxes of materials! It can save us several times! The brand, the one you like most, anyone will be fine.

5- Universal Glue
I love this glue! A transparent multipurpose that we can use for hundreds of things. With it we can glue plastics, wood, cloth (which we will not wash), cork, cardboard, paper, and even small metal pieces quickly and efficiently. The little ones can use it, but always with supervision. Cleaning it is not so easy when it has stuck in places like fabrics. But in the majority of the surfaces we have time to remove it before it dries. The brands ... the one that they like the most. I have used UHU a lot.

6- Spray Glue
This is another of the glues that once you discover and use them ... you can never miss. The best thing is that different types and brands come. Some acid free for special works and others more multipurpose. Against of this glue: be very careful! The kids can NOT use it alone! It is a flammable glue and when applied we must do it in a ventilated place. It is very resistant and serves for cardboard, cloth, metal, plastic, wood, paper, etc. It is ideal when we have corners or spaces to which we cannot easily apply glue. Another tip that I can give you with this glue is to cover the work surface before doing it, this will prevent it from getting dirty and leaving everything sticky.

7- Instant Glue
This glue will be very useful on many occasions. It is very strong, sticks instantly and is ideal for wood, ceramics, metal, porcelain, leather, plastic, cardboard, etc. Especially for small parts. It sticks in a lasting way and we can find it liquid and in gel. It is also water resistant. If we have to clean leftovers from it, usually, we will need acetone. It should be used with care because it is toxic, it can stick human skin and then it is difficult to remove. I do not recommend it for kids, even with supervision. One of the well-known brands is SuperGlue and UHU, but many more equally good and resistant.

Well, so far I told you the basics. Those that I personally believe you should always have on hand to do all kinds of crafts. But there is another wide range of very useful glues too that you find at different UK glue shops. I’ll tell you about some of them... if you know more, do not forget to tell me!

A. Double-sided tapes: ideal for pasting papers, a scrapbooking classic. 
B. Foamy adhesive: you can get it in strips or small plates. Very used in the scrap. 
C. Glue for jewelery: this specific glue is very useful for this type of work. It is a very strong contact glue that can be used with multiple materials always following the instructions on its packaging. One very well-known and very good is the E6000 that can also be used for all kinds of jobs. 
D. Glues or glues for decoupage and some varnishes-glue: very useful for when we apply this technique. In some of the best-known brands, such as Mod Podge (which I love and have tried several of them), we can find a wide variety of them for different uses. They are very good and I think it's worth having them. Then I will tell you more about them. 
E. Adhesive in drops or points: very useful for when we work with paper. 
F. Glue on sheet: can replace the glue spray for some jobs, especially paper. 
G. Special glue for photographs: if you are going to work on scrap or smash books it can be very useful. 
H. Glitter glue: special glue that already contains glitter or colored glitters. They can use the kids and is very good to decorate.
I. Carpenter's tail: a stronger glue or white glue, which can be used a lot and even diluted to make decoupage. 
J. Epoxy adhesives: usually present in two parts that we must combine and form a paste that when dry becomes quite hard. It is special for earthenware, glass, ceramics, plastic and more. When it hardens it can be sanded and also painted. Some use it to make jewelry accounts. It is very resistant to water and heat. But be careful as it is toxic, flammable and difficult to clean.
Well, here's my list ... they saw how many glues there are!!! But do not forget the basics! With them they will be ready to do crafts.
I hope you have been useful this special adhesive and now know what to use on each occasion. Encourage yourself to try them!


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