Basic Sewing Kit: 10 Essential Things

Today’s topic is solely for everyone who wants to know more about a good sewing kit. In this article we will see what a basic sewing kit should contain. Let’s see what the 10 essential things that you cannot miss are in your sewing kit. There is also a lot of personal taste in what you decide to put in your sewing box and what you prefer to leave out, but there are things that are out of any preference (unless you have learned to sew without a needle and thread).

If you want a perfect sewing kit, these are 10 sewing supplies and equipment that you should have to get everything done without facing any problems.

1. Needles
It's obvious, right? Even though most of the dresses or any other sewed material is now machine-made, you'll still need to have different needles on hand to make small arrangements or special jobs, like the invisible stitch. If you are one of those who is fighting a good time with the needle until they are able to thread, it will also be good to have a thread on hand. Just as there are different types of needles for the sewing machine, there are different sizes and thicknesses of conventional needles according to the fabric and thread you work with. Have a little bit of variety.

2. Pins (and pincushion)
Pins also play an important role when it comes to sewing. Trying to sew without pins would be a disaster. You need them in your basic sewing box to hold the fabric and not move while you sew: to join the parts of a pattern, sew a hem, place a waistband... For everything! These little birds that we use are beautiful and practical in equal parts, always well in sight. And obviously, you cannot have them all scattered: you need a place to have them on hand and ready to use. That is a pincushion. You can find them in many shapes and sizes, fabric, foam, magnetic... Or even customize your own pincushion.

An alternative to the pins, in addition to the technique of basting, are the sticks of soluble glue, which are sold in pencil format. This glue disappears with water and leaves no residue.

3. Thimble
It may take you a while to get used to using it and that at first you are a bit uncomfortable, but you need it. You will not want to be pricking your fingers constantly. It should be comfortable and fit well to the finger so that neither you tighten nor you fall constantly. Those made with flexible materials, such as silicone thimbles, are more comfortable than rigid ones and if you have sensitive nails they will not give you that "grime" that metallic ones can give you.

4. Tape Measure and Ruler
Obviously, the measuring elements are also a very important part of a basic sewing kit. The tape measure is essential to take measurements (in your own body or that of the model) and the ruler will serve to measure and mark the fabric. With the tape measure, you could measure the fabric, yes, but you need the rule to easily draw the cut and sewn marks on the fabric with a marker.

5. Scissors
Surely you already knew that scissors are essential, but you may not know that you need to have scissors exclusively for cutting cloth. You should not cut threads or other materials (wadding, felt, interlining, paper ...) because they would become dull and end up cutting badly. Apart from all kinds of "common" sewing scissors, you can also find scissors for left-handed and zig-zag scissors, which make the fabric not fray with the cut.

6. Thread Cutter
Precisely because of what we have just told you, the thread trimmer is another excellent tool to have in your basic sewing kit. It is a special type of scissors whose sole purpose is to cut the thread when you have finished a seam, but it is good to avoid falling into the temptation to end up using the fabric scissors. 

7. Seam Ripper
As its name suggests, this is the tool with which we can undo the stitches that we have given by mistake, thanks to the long and sharp tip in which it ends. It also serves to make the initial incision that allows us to work buttonholes on the fabric. Some people also use it to cut the threads, although it is less "delicate" than the thread trimmer.

8. Markers
This week we published a post in which we talked about the different types of markers you can find in our store and what particularities each has. It is essential that you have a marker in your basic sewing kit, especially to draw the cut lines on the fabric, where a certain seam goes, how far a stitch should go, etc.

9. Threads (+ Basting Thread)
This is also obvious, right? Little we will sew if we do not have a thread ... Although there are many types, the most common is cotton and polyester. Polyester fabrics are often used for machine sewing because they are more resistant. The basting yarn is made of 100% cotton and is very easy to break so you can remove it once you have sewn over it.

10. Cutter and Cutting Base
And this last couple may not be essential in the strict sense, but when you have it at home you will understand why we have included it among the basics. It will make life much easier when cutting relatively small pieces of cloth. We count it as one because to use the cutter or rotary cutter, you will need a cutting base. Besides being super practical to cut the fabric without twisting, you need it to protect the table. Perfect cut in the blink of an eye.

We hope this post has been useful for you and if you think it can be useful to more girls, be generous! Share on the networks.


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