10 Essential Elements For Your Home Office

Have you already thought about how fundamental it is to have your well-equipped and organized "home office"? The pleasure of every freelancer is to work from the comfort of home, but this does not necessarily mean that you are on the kitchen table working from your notebook in an uncomfortable position, with the noise of an engine that is heard through the window, witnessing the discussion of your younger brothers, and with the discomfort that all that could mean.

Why not better have your own space, the equipment and the necessary resources that help increase your productivity?

The 10 essential elements that your "home office" should have

1) Computer
Computers are an essential part of your office. Desktop computers, notebook, both? It will depend on your preferences, needs and possibilities. If your work requires a lot of displacement it is a good idea to have a laptop.

2) Internet connection
Fundamental be connected to the web. A broadband connection will always be recommended to speed up times. Be sure to hire a reliable service provider! You will need stability and strength in the signal to be able to develop your work without problems.

3) Peripherals
Here the list extends: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, webcam, headphones. The important thing is that you have a wide monitor screen (the dimensions will depend on the work you do, what is more practical, even get to have two monitors), and that the printer and scanner respond very well to do quality work.

4) Telephone / Cell
It is not minor detail! And they are complementary to voice over IP tools. If you are going to use the house phone, try to make it an exclusive line to take care of your contacts. If not, be sure to always maintain a professional attitude, especially during office hours.

5) Furniture
Desk, chair, even cabinets or shelves for filing documents, books or miscellaneous items. Make sure they are functional and that they adapt to your needs. The desk and chair should be ergonomic to favor good posture during working hours.

6) Good lighting
Your office should have very good lighting, as natural as possible. It will help you avoid headaches, eyestrain and even poor posture due to not being able to see the screen properly.

7) Memos / Annotators
Regardless of your specialty, the memos and annotators are very useful for scheduling priorities, creating lists or diagrams, downloading ideas and so much more. There are different materials and designs, for all tastes.

8) Software
Email, voice over IP applications, instant messaging, automatic back-up programs plus all the resources you can find online to edit documents, share files, manage projects and thousands of other uses. All of them fundamental to give you practicality, keep you connected, help you to be more productive and speed up times.

9) Office supplies
Clips, staplers, stamp ink pads large, highlighters, folders, files, scissors, envelopes. . . Make a list of everything you need in your day to day and what you might need. It is a good idea to have a basic office supplies kit.

10) Your personal touch
A photo of your ideal place for your next vacation, a desk clock, your favorite office doll, a mini-poster. . . Give your home office your personal style. It will give you warmth and you will have your precious object close to you

Make the most of your home office! The idea is that you have a pleasant and comfortable space to play during the day. Since it is YOUR place and you have the opportunity to personalize it, take advantage of it!


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